1955 - Polio Patients' Benefit

Announcement Date: October 14, 1955
Polio Patients' Benefit
Luncheon and Fashion Show Monday to Aid Martin Fund
Polio patients will be aided by a luncheon and fashion show to be held on Monday in the Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria under the auspices of the Jack Martin Polio Fund.
Proceeds from the event will be donated to the construction fund for the Jack Martin Respirator Center at Mount Sinai Hospital, now nearing completion.
Mrs. Joseph Leventhal and Mrs. Saul Allenson head the benefit committee. Serving with them are Mrs. Victor Mathias and Mrs. Edward Selig. Chairmen of the Jack Martin Polio Fund are Mrs. Richard I. Rudell and Mrs. Selig.
The Polio Fund, a women’s group, was founded in memory of Jack Martin, a New York manufacturer, who died of polio in 1950 at the age of 34. The women’s organization raised the money to cover construction costs for the new respirator center at Mount Sinai. The center is expected to be completed in November.
Published: October 14, 1955
Copyright © The New York Times